Capital: Bangkok
Largest city: Bangkok
Official Language: Thai
Government: Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Area: 513,120 km2
Population: 66,558,935
Currency: Baht (THB)
GDP total: THB41.995 trillion (USD1,340 trillion)
GDP per capita: THB600,756.46 (USD19,169)
Time zone: UTC +7
Calling code: +66
Internet TLD: .th
[Source: Wikipedia]
Total Foreign Investment in Thailand
2018: USD13.186 billion (THB411.93 billion)
2019: USD4.817 billion (THB150.483 billion) with the top 3 foreign investors being Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong
[Source: data.worldbank.org/santandertrade.com]
3 largest trading partners: United States, China and Japan
Top 3 exports: Machinery, Electrical equipment and Vehicles
[Source: worldstopexports.com]