
In a globalised and web connected world, our clients are becoming increasingly sophisticated. It  is crucial that we provide direct, relevant, concise and prompt advice. The League of Lawyers facilitates members to reach out to each other for knowledge and resource.

We help each other understand the country risk, regulatory framework and cultural sensitivities. In short, the League of Lawyers leverages on each other’s experience, knowledge, resources and thoughts so that we are able to offer tailored and contextualised solutions to our clients.

Members of League of Lawyers share similar values and standards. This ensures that our clients will be able to receive levels of service with reliable quality from any member of the League of Lawyers.

Building Relationships

The League of Lawyers meets twice a year at a location to be rotated within the jurisdiction of member firms, to discuss matters that relate to enhancing client experience and the way in which we manage our businesses. We also aim to use the annual meeting as a business development opportunity to collectively meet with existing and potential clients where the annual meeting is held.

The annual meeting will also set the agenda to be acted on by member firms for the year. Also, in these annual meetings, we will have an opportunity to build on our friendships through business and social engagements, activities and discussions, so that we create a synchronised and seamless mind set in how we service our clients and conduct our business.

In addition, we will organise regular web-conferences to discuss the implementation of the value propositions.

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