Capital: London
Largest city: London
Official Language: English
Government: Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Area: 242,495 km2
Population: 67,886,004
Currency: Pound Sterling (GBP)
GDP total: GBP2.215 trillion (USD3.124 trillion)
GDP per capita: GBP33396.46 (USD47,089)
Time zone: UTC/ UTC +1
Calling code: +44
Internet TLD: .uk
[Source: Wikipedia]
Total Foreign Investment in the United Kingdom
2018: USD1.930 trillion (GBP1.36 trillion)
2019: USD2 trillion (GBP1.41 trillion) with the top 3 foreign countries being the United States, the British offshore islands and the Netherlands
[Source: santandertrade.com/ UNCTAD’s 2020 World Investment Report]
3 largest trading partners: United States, Germany and Ireland
Top 3 exports: Cars, Gold (unwrought) and Turbo jets
[Source: worldstopexports.com]