Google Play has imposed a new requirement on operators offering applications in the Google Play Store. Deleting a user account should be as easy as creating one from within the application.
This requirement, which has already been in effect on iOS since June 2022, requires app owners to complete a specific section in Google’s Data Safety Form by May 31, 2024. No apps or updates can be released until the Form is completed. Once approved by Google, a “data deletion badge” is granted.
After the May 31 deadline, companies that do not comply risk having their apps removed from the Play Store and being banned from the market.
In addition to integrating a simple procedure deletion process into their app and website, app owners should publish a policy that outlines the account deletion procedure and its consequences. All data associated with the account must be deleted, except for data retained to comply with the law or to collect unpaid balances, for example.
For assistance with these procedures, please contact Guillaume Rue.